Enter calculate shipping function.
Checking the Product Shipping Class.
Shipping update required.
Enter update shipping.
Enter shipping request function.
Send Request:
stdClass Object
    [Shipment] => stdClass Object
            [SenderInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [Address] => stdClass Object
                            [Name] => Maxime Bouffard
                            [StreetNumber] => 915
                            [StreetName] => Rue Philippe-Paradis
                            [City] => Québec
                            [Company] => 
                            [Department] => 
                            [Province] => QC
                            [Country] => CA
                            [PostalCode] => G1N4E3
                            [PhoneNumber] => stdClass Object
                                    [CountryCode] => 1
                                    [AreaCode] => 418
                                    [Phone] => 621-5150



            [ReceiverInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [Address] => stdClass Object
                            [Name] => John Doe
                            [StreetNumber] => 123
                            [StreetName] => Lorem Ipsum
                            [City] => 
                            [Province] => QC
                            [Country] => CA
                            [PostalCode] => 
                            [PhoneNumber] => stdClass Object
                                    [CountryCode] => 1
                                    [AreaCode] => 555
                                    [Phone] => 2222222

                            [Company] => 
                            [Department] => 


            [PackageInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [ServiceID] => PurolatorExpress
                    [TotalWeight] => stdClass Object
                            [Value] => 1
                            [WeightUnit] => lb

                    [TotalPieces] => 1
                    [PiecesInformation] => stdClass Object
                            [Piece] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [Weight] => stdClass Object
                                                    [Value] => 1
                                                    [WeightUnit] => lb

                                            [Length] => stdClass Object
                                                    [Value] => 10.50
                                                    [DimensionUnit] => in

                                            [Width] => stdClass Object
                                                    [Value] => 1.05
                                                    [DimensionUnit] => in

                                            [Height] => stdClass Object
                                                    [Value] => 0.10
                                                    [DimensionUnit] => in




                    [OptionsInformation] => stdClass Object
                            [Options] => stdClass Object
                                    [OptionIDValuePair] => Array
                                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                                    [ID] => OriginSignatureNotRequired
                                                    [Value] => true

                                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                                    [ID] => ResidentialSignatureDomestic
                                                    [Value] => false

                                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                                    [ID] => AdultSignatureRequired
                                                    [Value] => false





            [PaymentInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [PaymentType] => Sender
                    [RegisteredAccountNumber] => 8124107
                    [BillingAccountNumber] => 8124107

            [PickupInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [PickupType] => DropOff


    [ShowAlternativeServicesIndicator] => true
Send response:
    [ResponseInformation] => Array
            [Errors] => Array
                    [Error] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [Code] => 1100595
                                    [Description] => Receiver Postal Code is a mandatory field.
                                    [AdditionalInformation] => Shipping Error

                            [1] => Array
                                    [Code] => 1100132
                                    [Description] => The Receiver City is a mandatory field.
                                    [AdditionalInformation] => Shipping Error



            [InformationalMessages] => 

    [ShipmentEstimates] => 
    [ReturnShipmentEstimates] => 

Sifflet 2po x 2po


UGS : SIFFLET-2-2 Catégories : ,


Inlcusion : Sifflet 2 » x 2 »

Application : carburant